About us!

Hi everyone, we’re Hannah and Debbie and we’re the faces behind Hannahs Boutique. We’re based in Leicester, UK.
Mum (Debbie) studied fashion at college, and had worked in the industry for 17 years as a fashion designer and pattern cutter for high street stores prior to running Hannahs Boutique. When I was younger, she’d make me clothing for my dolls, and realised that there was a market for it, so began selling dolls clothing on eBay. In 2004, when I started full time school, she took the plunge to take it full time and left her job in the industry (so that she could also be at home more too for me). Dolls clothing quickly evolved in to babies clothing. Mum would create unique, one off pieces, which then progressed in to more and more as demand came in for older girls sizes.
In 2010 my little brother was born, I can remember my mum back working just a couple of days after he was born, and him sat in his bouncy chair under the desk!
We joined Instagram in 2017, whilst I was studying for my last year of A-Levels, at this time, we had absolutely no idea how wonderful the whole handmade Instagram community was! I had always helped mum out during school holidays, and it seemed like a natural progression for me to join full time once I finished studying.
I started working part time in a restaurant in 2021, alongside online university and still helping mum out when I could. In 2022 quit university (I decided it just wasn’t for me) and I chose to progress in the hospitality industry to today (2024) where I’m a training assistant manager. I’ve just taken back over the Instagram account alongside working full time at the pub so mum can focus on the making!